Part Numbers: 68030822AB, 68030822AC, 68030822AD, 68030822AE | Please verify the part against the image or provide your vehicle details in the garage tool. Verify the OEM Part Number before ordering to ensure compatibility.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out and we will respond promptly.
Plug and Play & Direct replacement: CCIYU Power Window Switch is manufactured to the OE specification to provide factory-fresh appearance.Plug and play, no programming required, which makes this switch easy to install. OE connector helps ensure a solid, positive connection.
Compatibility: This Power Window Switch compatible with 2011-2013 for Jeep Grand Cherokee.
Reliability and Durability: This part is made from quality materials to ensure reliable performance and long service life that will save you frequent replacements.
Function: The user can realize the window lift control through the window lift switch. The main functions mainly include: the window is automatically raised and lowered, the window is manually raised and lowered, the window is automatically closed in rainy days,etc.